有机无机复合材料重点实验室汪晓东教授学术论文(Microencapsulation of n-octadecane phase change material with calcium carbonate shell for enhancement of thermal conductivity and serving durability: Synthesis, microstructure, and performance evaluation, S.H. Yu, X.D. Wang*, D.Z. Wu, Applied Energy, 2014, 114, 632−643),经过引用统计,该论文被SCI引用论文在15年度引用达55次,EI引用论文引用达60次。Elsevier出版公司和《Applied Energy》期刊鉴于其突出贡献,特发此荣誉奖项。
通过Thompson Rueters旗下Web of Science的ESISM查询,截止到2016年6月,汪晓东教授目前总计有4篇论文被标识“高被引论文”。Web of Science根据其对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,已将汪晓东教授近期发表的4篇论文归入Engineering学术领域中最优秀的 1% 之列,这些论文分别为:
*Luxiao Chai, Xiaodong Wang*, Dezhen Wu, Development of bifunctional microencapsulated phase change materials with crystalline titanium dioxide shell for latent-heat storage and photocatalytic effectiveness, Applied Energy, 2015, 138, 661–647.
*Fang He, Xiaodong Wang*, Dezhen Wu, Phase-change characteristics and thermal performance of form-stable n-alkanes/silica composite phase change materials fabricated by sodium silicate precursor, Renewable Energy, 2015, 74, 689–698.
*Shiyu Yu, Xiaodong Wang*, Dezhen Wu, Microencapsulation of n-octadecane phase change material with calcium carbonate shell for enhancement of thermal conductivity and serving durability: Synthesis, microstructure, and performance evaluation, Applied Energy, 2014, 114, 632–643.
*Fang He, Xiaodong Wang*, Dezhen Wu, New approach for sol–gel synthesis of microencapsulated noctadecane phase change material with silicawall using sodium silicate precursor, Energy, 2014, 67, 223–233.